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There are 26 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "X"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Xanthelasma926 843-5276 (2)
Xanthomonad926 846-6662 (3)
Xanthomonas926 846-6662 (7)
Xanthophyll926 846-7495 (5)
Xanthorroea926 846-7763 (2)
Xantusiidae926 887-4432 (3)
Xenobiotics936 624-6842 (7)
Xenogenesis936 643-6374 (7)
Xenophobias936 674-6242 (7)
Xenopodidae936 676-3432 (3)
Xenorhyncus936 674-9628 (7)
Xeranthemum937 268-4368 (6)
Xerographic937 647-2744 (2)
Xerophilies937 674-4543 (7)
Xerophilous937 674-4568 (7)
Xerophyllum937 674-9558 (6)
Xerophytism937 674-9847 (6)
Xerothermic937 684-3764 (2)
Xiphisterna947 447-8376 (2)
Xylariaceae995 274-2232 (3)
Xylocarpous995 622-7768 (7)
Xylographer995 647-2743 (7)
Xylographic995 647-2744 (2)
Xylophagous995 674-2468 (7)
Xylophonist995 674-6647 (8)
Xyphophorus997 467-4678 (7)