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There are 64 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "VE"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Vectorially832 867-4255 (9)
Vegetarians834 382-7426 (7)
Vegetations834 382-8466 (7)
Vellication835 542-2846 (6)
Vellicative835 542-2848 (3)
Velocimeter835 624-6383 (7)
Velocipedes835 624-7333 (7)
Vendemiaire836 336-4247 (3)
Vendibility836 342-4548 (9)
Venditation836 348-2846 (6)
Venerations836 372-8466 (7)
Venesection836 373-2846 (6)
Vengeancely836 432-6235 (9)
Ventilating836 845-2846 (4)
Ventilation836 845-2846 (6)
Ventilative836 845-2848 (3)
Ventilators836 845-2867 (7)
Ventilatory836 845-2867 (9)
Ventricular836 874-2852 (7)
Ventriculus836 874-2858 (7)
Ventriloquy836 874-5678 (9)
Venturesome836 887-3766 (3)
Venturously836 887-6875 (9)
Veraciously837 224-6875 (9)
Veratridine837 287-4346 (3)
Verbalistic837 225-4784 (2)
Verbalizers837 225-4937 (7)
Verbalizing837 225-4946 (4)
Verbenaceae837 236-2232 (3)
Verbophobia837 267-4624 (2)
Verboseness837 267-3637 (7)
Verbosities837 267-4843 (7)
Verdigrises837 344-7473 (7)
Verdureless837 387-3537 (7)
Verecundity837 328-6348 (9)
Veridically837 434-2255 (9)
Verisimilar837 474-6452 (7)
Vermicellis837 642-3554 (7)
Vermiculate837 642-8528 (3)
Vermiculite837 642-8548 (3)
Vermillions837 645-5466 (7)
Vermination837 646-2846 (6)
Verminously837 646-6875 (9)
Vernaculars837 622-8527 (7)
Vernalizing837 625-4946 (4)
Vernissages837 647-7243 (7)
Versatilely837 728-4535 (9)
Versatility837 728-4548 (9)
Vertebrally837 832-7255 (9)
Vertebrated837 832-7283 (3)
Vertebrates837 832-7283 (7)
Verticality837 842-2548 (9)
Vertiginous837 844-4668 (7)
Vesiculated837 428-5283 (3)
Vesiculates837 428-5283 (7)
Vesiculitis837 428-5484 (7)
Vespertilio837 737-8454 (6)
Vestigially837 844-4255 (9)
Vestiphobia837 847-4624 (2)
Vestrywoman837 879-9662 (6)
Vestrywomen837 879-9663 (6)
Vesuvianite837 884-2648 (3)
Vexatiously839 284-6875 (9)
Vexillology839 455-6564 (9)