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There are 59 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "STA"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Stabilising782 245-4746 (4)
Stabilities782 245-4843 (7)
Stabilizers782 245-4937 (7)
Stabilizing782 245-4946 (4)
Stablemates782 253-6283 (7)
Stablishing782 254-7446 (4)
Stadtholder782 384-6533 (7)
Stagecrafts782 432-7238 (7)
Stagestruck782 437-8782 (5)
Stagflation782 435-2846 (6)
Staggerbush782 443-7287 (4)
Staginesses782 446-3773 (7)
Stagnancies782 462-6243 (7)
Stagnations782 462-8466 (7)
Staidnesses782 436-3773 (7)
Stainlesses782 465-3773 (7)
Stainlessly782 465-3775 (9)
Stakeholder782 534-6533 (7)
Stalactites782 522-8483 (7)
Stalactitic782 522-8484 (2)
Stalagmites782 524-6483 (7)
Stalagmitic782 524-6484 (2)
Stalemating782 536-2846 (4)
Stalenesses782 536-3773 (7)
Stallholder782 554-6533 (7)
Staminodium782 646-6348 (6)
Stanchioned782 624-4663 (3)
Standardise782 632-7347 (3)
Standardize782 632-7349 (3)
Standoffish782 636-3347 (4)
Standpatter782 637-2883 (7)
Standpoints782 637-6468 (7)
Standstills782 637-8455 (7)
Staphylinid782 749-5464 (3)
Starboarded782 726-2733 (3)
Starchiness782 724-4637 (7)
Starflowers782 735-6937 (7)
Stargazings782 742-9464 (7)
Starknesses782 756-3773 (7)
Startlement782 785-3636 (8)
Startlingly782 785-4645 (9)
Starvations782 782-8466 (7)
Starvelings782 783-5464 (7)
Stasiphobia782 747-4624 (2)
Statecrafts782 832-7238 (7)
Statehouses782 834-6873 (7)
Stateliness782 835-4637 (7)
Statesmanly782 837-6265 (9)
Statesville782 837-8455 (3)
Stateswoman782 837-9662 (6)
Stateswomen782 837-9663 (6)
Statistical782 847-8422 (5)
Statoblasts782 862-5278 (7)
Statoscopes782 867-2673 (7)
Statutorily782 888-6745 (9)
Staunchness782 862-4637 (7)
Staurolites782 876-5483 (7)
Staurolitic782 876-5484 (2)
Stavesacres782 837-2273 (7)