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There are 15 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "SPH"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Sphacelated774 223-5283 (3)
Sphaeralcea774 237-2523 (2)
Sphaeriales774 237-4253 (7)
Sphalerites774 253-7483 (7)
Sphenopsida774 366-7743 (2)
Sphenopsids774 366-7743 (7)
Spherically774 374-2255 (9)
Spheroidity774 376-4348 (9)
Spherometer774 376-6383 (7)
Spheroplast774 376-7527 (8)
Spherulites774 378-5483 (7)
Spherulitic774 378-5484 (2)
Sphincteric774 462-8374 (2)
Sphingosine774 464-6746 (3)
Sphyrapicus774 972-7428 (7)