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There are 20 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "SM"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Smallholder762 554-6533 (7)
Smallmouths762 556-6884 (7)
Smallnesses762 556-3773 (7)
Smallswords762 557-9673 (7)
Smaragdites762 724-3483 (7)
Smart Alecks762 782-5325 (7)
Smartnesses762 786-3773 (7)
Smatterings762 883-7464 (7)
Smilacaceae764 522-2232 (3)
Smilingness764 546-4637 (7)
Smithereens764 843-7336 (7)
Smithsonite764 847-6648 (3)
Smokehouses766 534-6873 (7)
Smokestacks766 537-8225 (7)
Smokinesses766 546-3773 (7)
Smoothbores766 684-2673 (7)
Smoothening766 684-3646 (4)
Smoothhound766 684-4686 (3)
Smorgasbord766 742-7267 (3)
Smouldering766 853-3746 (4)