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There are 130 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "PL"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Placability752 222-4548 (9)
Placatingly752 228-4645 (9)
Placeholder752 234-6533 (7)
Placekicked752 235-4253 (3)
Placekicker752 235-4253 (7)
Placelessly752 235-3775 (9)
Placeseeker752 237-3353 (7)
Placidities752 243-4843 (7)
Placodermal752 263-3762 (5)
Placophobia752 267-4624 (2)
Plagianthus752 442-6848 (7)
Plagiarised752 442-7473 (3)
Plagiariser752 442-7473 (7)
Plagiarises752 442-7473 (7)
Plagiarisms752 442-7476 (7)
Plagiarists752 442-7478 (7)
Plagiarized752 442-7493 (3)
Plagiarizer752 442-7493 (7)
Plagiarizes752 442-7493 (7)
Plagioclase752 446-2527 (3)
Plainchants752 462-4268 (7)
Plainnesses752 466-3773 (7)
Plainspoken752 467-7653 (6)
Plaintively752 468-4835 (9)
Plaistering752 478-3746 (4)
Planarities752 627-4843 (7)
Planchettes752 624-3883 (7)
Planetarium752 638-2748 (6)
Planetoidal752 638-6432 (5)
Planetology752 638-6564 (9)
Plangencies752 643-6243 (7)
Planimeters752 646-3837 (7)
Planimetric752 646-3874 (2)
Planisphere752 647-7437 (3)
Planococcus752 662-6228 (7)
Planoconvex752 662-6683 (9)
Planography752 664-7274 (9)
Plantagenet752 682-4363 (8)
Plantations752 682-8466 (7)
Plantership752 683-7744 (7)
Planthopper752 684-6773 (7)
Plantigrade752 684-4723 (3)
Plantocracy752 686-2722 (9)
Plasmablast752 762-2527 (8)
Plasmagenes752 762-4363 (7)
Plasmalemma752 762-5366 (2)
Plasmatical752 762-8422 (5)
Plasminogen752 764-6643 (6)
Plasmodesma752 766-3376 (2)
Plasmodesms752 766-3376 (7)
Plasmolyses752 766-5973 (7)
Plasmolysis752 766-5974 (7)
Plasmolytic752 766-5984 (2)
Plasmolyzed752 766-5993 (3)
Plasmolyzes752 766-5993 (7)
Plasterings752 783-7464 (7)
Plasterwork752 783-7967 (5)
Plastically752 784-2255 (9)
Plasticenes752 784-2363 (7)
Plasticines752 784-2463 (7)
Plasticiser752 784-2473 (7)
Plasticized752 784-2493 (3)
Plasticizer752 784-2493 (7)
Plasticizes752 784-2493 (7)
Plataleidae752 825-3432 (3)
Platanaceae752 826-2232 (3)
Platanthera752 826-8437 (2)
Platemakers752 836-2537 (7)
Platemaking752 836-2546 (4)
Plateresque752 837-3778 (3)
Platichthys752 842-4849 (7)
Platinizing752 846-4946 (4)
Platonistic752 866-4784 (2)
Platterfuls752 883-7385 (7)
Plattersful752 883-7738 (5)
Platycerium752 892-3748 (6)
Platyctenea752 892-8363 (2)
Platyfishes752 893-4743 (7)
Platylobium752 895-6248 (6)
Platyrrhine752 897-7446 (3)
Platyrrhini752 897-7446 (4)
Platystemon752 897-8366 (6)
Playability752 922-4548 (9)
Playactings752 922-8464 (7)
Playfellows752 933-5569 (7)
Playfulness752 938-5637 (7)
Playgrounds752 947-6863 (7)
Playmakings752 962-5464 (7)
Playstation752 978-2846 (6)
Playwrights752 997-4448 (7)
Playwriting752 997-4846 (4)
Pleasantest753 272-6837 (8)
Pleasurable753 278-7225 (3)
Pleasurably753 278-7225 (9)
Pleasureful753 278-7338 (5)
Plebeianism753 234-2647 (6)
Plebeianize753 234-2649 (3)
Plebiscites753 247-2483 (7)
Plecopteran753 267-8372 (6)
Plectognath753 286-4628 (4)
Plectophera753 286-7437 (2)
Pleinairism753 462-4747 (6)
Pleinairist753 462-4747 (8)
Pleiospilos753 467-7456 (7)
Pleiotropic753 468-7674 (2)
Pleistocene753 478-6236 (3)
Plenipotent753 647-6836 (8)
Plenteously753 683-6875 (9)
Plentifully753 684-3855 (9)
Plentitudes753 684-8833 (7)
Pleochroism753 624-7647 (6)
Pleomorphic753 666-7744 (2)
Plesiosauri753 746-7287 (4)
Plesiosaurs753 746-7287 (7)
Plessimeter753 774-6383 (7)
Plethorical753 846-7422 (5)
Pleurodynia753 876-3964 (2)
Pleurosorus753 876-7678 (7)
Pliableness754 225-3637 (7)
Ploughshare756 844-7427 (3)
Ployurethan756 987-3842 (6)
Plumpnesses758 676-3773 (7)
Pluperfects758 737-3328 (7)
Pluralistic758 725-4784 (2)
Pluralities758 725-4843 (7)
Pluralizing758 725-4946 (4)
Pluripotent758 747-6836 (8)
Plushnesses758 746-3773 (7)
Plutocratic758 862-7284 (2)
Plutophobia758 867-4624 (2)