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There are 22 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "PHA"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Phagocytize742 462-9849 (3)
Phagocytose742 462-9867 (3)
Phagophobia742 467-4624 (2)
Phalacrosis742 522-7674 (7)
Phalangious742 526-4468 (7)
Phalangitis742 526-4484 (7)
Phalanstery742 526-7837 (9)
Phallically742 554-2255 (9)
Phallicisms742 554-2476 (7)
Phanerogams742 637-6426 (7)
Phantasmata742 682-7628 (2)
Phantasying742 682-7946 (4)
Phantomlike742 686-6545 (3)
Pharisaical742 747-2422 (5)
Pharisaisms742 747-2476 (7)
Phariseeism742 747-3347 (6)
Pharmacists742 762-2478 (7)
Pharomacrus742 766-2278 (7)
Pharyngitis742 796-4484 (7)
Phasianidae742 742-6432 (3)
Phasmatidae742 762-8432 (3)
Phasmatodea742 762-8633 (2)