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There are 146 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "PH"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Phagocytize742 462-9849 (3)
Phagocytose742 462-9867 (3)
Phagophobia742 467-4624 (2)
Phalacrosis742 522-7674 (7)
Phalangious742 526-4468 (7)
Phalangitis742 526-4484 (7)
Phalanstery742 526-7837 (9)
Phallically742 554-2255 (9)
Phallicisms742 554-2476 (7)
Phanerogams742 637-6426 (7)
Phantasmata742 682-7628 (2)
Phantasying742 682-7946 (4)
Phantomlike742 686-6545 (3)
Pharisaical742 747-2422 (5)
Pharisaisms742 747-2476 (7)
Phariseeism742 747-3347 (6)
Pharmacists742 762-2478 (7)
Pharomacrus742 766-2278 (7)
Pharyngitis742 796-4484 (7)
Phasianidae742 742-6432 (3)
Phasmatidae742 762-8432 (3)
Phasmatodea742 762-8633 (2)
Phegopteris743 467-8374 (7)
Phelloderms743 556-3376 (7)
Phenacaines743 622-2463 (7)
Phenacetins743 622-3846 (7)
Pheneticist743 638-4247 (8)
Pheniramine743 647-2646 (3)
Phenocopies743 662-6743 (7)
Phenocrysts743 662-7978 (7)
Phenologies743 665-6443 (7)
Phenomenons743 666-3666 (7)
Phenylamine743 695-2646 (3)
Philandered744 526-3373 (3)
Philanderer744 526-3373 (7)
Philatelies744 528-3543 (7)
Philatelist744 528-3547 (8)
Philhellene744 543-5536 (3)
Philippines744 547-7463 (7)
Philistines744 547-8463 (7)
Phillipsite744 554-7748 (3)
Philodendra744 563-3637 (2)
Philologies744 565-6443 (7)
Philologist744 565-6447 (8)
Philologize744 565-6449 (3)
Philomachus744 566-2248 (7)
Philophobia744 567-4624 (2)
Philophylla744 567-4955 (2)
Philosopher744 567-6743 (7)
Philosophes744 567-6743 (7)
Philosophic744 567-6744 (2)
Phlebectomy745 323-2866 (9)
Phlebitides745 324-8433 (7)
Phlebograms745 326-4726 (7)
Phlebotomus745 326-8668 (7)
Phlogistons745 644-7866 (7)
Phlogopites745 646-7483 (7)
Phobophobia746 267-4624 (2)
Phoeniculus746 364-2858 (7)
Phoenicurus746 364-2878 (7)
Phoenixlike746 364-9545 (3)
Phonemicist746 636-4247 (8)
Phonetician746 638-4242 (6)
Phoninesses746 646-3773 (7)
Phonogramic746 664-7264 (2)
Phonographs746 664-7274 (7)
Phonography746 664-7274 (9)
Phonologies746 665-6443 (7)
Phonologist746 665-6447 (8)
Phonophobia746 667-4624 (2)
Phonorecord746 667-3267 (3)
Phonotactic746 668-2284 (2)
Phosphatase746 774-2827 (3)
Phosphatide746 774-2843 (3)
Phosphatize746 774-2849 (3)
Phosphonium746 774-6648 (6)
Phosphorite746 774-6748 (3)
Phosphorize746 774-6749 (3)
Phosphorous746 774-6768 (7)
Phosphoryls746 774-6795 (7)
Photocopied746 862-6743 (3)
Photocopier746 862-6743 (7)
Photocopies746 862-6743 (7)
Photodiodes746 863-4633 (7)
Photofloods746 863-5663 (7)
Photographs746 864-7274 (7)
Photography746 864-7274 (9)
Photoionize746 864-6649 (3)
Photolyzing746 865-9946 (4)
Photomapped746 866-2773 (3)
Photometers746 866-3837 (7)
Photometric746 866-3874 (2)
Photomosaic746 866-6724 (2)
Photomurals746 866-8725 (7)
Photoperiod746 867-3746 (3)
Photophases746 867-4273 (7)
Photophobia746 867-4624 (2)
Photophobic746 867-4624 (2)
Photophores746 867-4673 (7)
Photoreduce746 867-3382 (3)
Photoresist746 867-3747 (8)
Photosetter746 867-3883 (7)
Photosphere746 867-7437 (3)
Photostated746 867-8283 (3)
Photostatic746 867-8284 (2)
Photosystem746 867-9783 (6)
Phototactic746 868-2284 (2)
Phototropic746 868-7674 (2)
Phragmacone747 246-2266 (3)
Phragmocone747 246-6266 (3)
Phrasemaker747 273-6253 (7)
Phraseology747 273-6564 (9)
Phrenetical747 363-8422 (5)
Phrenologer747 366-5643 (7)
Phrenologic747 366-5644 (2)
Phthiriidae748 447-4432 (3)
Phthorimaea748 467-4623 (2)
Phycocyanin749 262-9264 (6)
Phycologies749 265-6443 (7)
Phycologist749 265-6447 (8)
Phycomycete749 266-9238 (3)
Phylactered749 522-8373 (3)
Phylloclade749 556-2523 (3)
Phylloporus749 556-7678 (7)
Phyllotaxes749 556-8293 (7)
Phyllotaxis749 556-8294 (7)
Phylloxerae749 556-9372 (3)
Phylloxeras749 556-9372 (7)
Phylogenies749 564-3643 (7)
Physiatrics749 742-8742 (7)
Physiatrist749 742-8747 (8)
Physicalism749 742-2547 (6)
Physicalist749 742-2547 (8)
Physicality749 742-2548 (9)
Physicianed749 742-4263 (3)
Physiognomy749 746-4666 (9)
Physiologer749 746-5643 (7)
Physiologic749 746-5644 (2)
Physostegia749 767-8344 (2)
Physostigma749 767-8446 (2)
Phytelephas749 835-3742 (7)
Phytoalexin749 862-5394 (6)
Phytochrome749 862-4766 (3)
Phytologist749 865-6447 (8)
Phytophagic749 867-4244 (2)
Phytosterol749 867-8376 (5)