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There are 31 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "OS"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Oscheocoele672 436-2635 (3)
Oscillating672 455-2846 (4)
Oscillation672 455-2846 (6)
Oscillative672 455-2848 (3)
Oscillators672 455-2867 (7)
Oscillatory672 455-2867 (9)
Oscillogram672 455-6472 (6)
Osculations672 852-8466 (7)
Osmiridiums676 474-3486 (7)
Osmometries676 663-8743 (7)
Osmotically676 684-2255 (9)
Osmundaceae676 863-2232 (3)
Ossiculated677 428-5283 (3)
Ostensively678 367-4835 (9)
Ostensorium678 367-6748 (6)
Ostentation678 368-2846 (6)
Osteoblasts678 362-5278 (7)
Osteoclasis678 362-5274 (7)
Osteoclasts678 362-5278 (7)
Osteologies678 365-6443 (7)
Osteologist678 365-6447 (8)
Osteopathic678 367-2844 (2)
Osteoplasty678 367-5278 (9)
Osteostraci678 367-8722 (4)
Osteotomist678 368-6647 (8)
Ostraciidae678 722-4432 (3)
Ostracising678 722-4746 (4)
Ostracizing678 722-4946 (4)
Ostracoderm678 722-6337 (6)
Ostrichlike678 742-4545 (3)
Ostrogothic678 764-6844 (2)