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There are 23 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "NU"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Nucleations682 532-8466 (7)
Nucleolated682 536-5283 (3)
Nucleophile682 536-7445 (3)
Nucleoplasm682 536-7527 (6)
Nucleosides682 536-7433 (7)
Nucleosomal682 536-7662 (5)
Nucleosomes682 536-7663 (7)
Nucleotides682 536-8433 (7)
Nudibranchs683 427-2624 (7)
Nulliparous685 547-2768 (7)
Numberplate686 237-7528 (3)
Numerations686 372-8466 (7)
Numerically686 374-2255 (9)
Numismatics686 476-2842 (7)
Numismatist686 476-2847 (8)
Nunciatures686 242-8873 (7)
Nuncupative686 287-2848 (3)
Nurturances687 887-2623 (7)
Nutcrackers688 272-2537 (7)
Nutrimental688 746-3682 (5)
Nutritional688 748-4662 (5)
Nutritively688 748-4835 (9)
Nuttinesses688 846-3773 (7)