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There are 12 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "NOR"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Normalising667 625-4746 (4)
Normalities667 625-4843 (7)
Normalizers667 625-4937 (7)
Normalizing667 625-4946 (4)
Normatively667 628-4835 (9)
North Dakota667 843-2568 (2)
Northeaster667 843-2783 (7)
Northerlies667 843-7543 (7)
Northerners667 843-7637 (7)
Northumbria667 848-6274 (2)
Northwardly667 849-2735 (9)
Northwester667 849-3783 (7)