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There are 125 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "NE"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Neanderthal632 633-7842 (5)
Nearsighted632 774-4483 (3)
Necessaries632 377-2743 (7)
Necessarily632 377-2745 (9)
Necessitate632 377-4828 (3)
Necessities632 377-4843 (7)
Necessitous632 377-4868 (7)
Neckerchief632 537-2443 (3)
Necrobiosis632 762-4674 (7)
Necrologies632 765-6443 (7)
Necrologist632 765-6447 (8)
Necromancer632 766-2623 (7)
Necromantic632 766-2684 (2)
Necrophagan632 767-4242 (6)
Necrophagia632 767-4244 (2)
Necrophilia632 767-4454 (2)
Necrophilic632 767-4454 (2)
Necrophobia632 767-4624 (2)
Necropoleis632 767-6534 (7)
Necropsying632 767-7946 (4)
Necrotizing632 768-4946 (4)
Needfulness633 338-5637 (7)
Needinesses633 346-3773 (7)
Needlecraft633 353-2723 (8)
Needlepoint633 353-7646 (8)
Needlewoman633 353-9662 (6)
Needlewomen633 353-9663 (6)
Needleworks633 353-9675 (7)
Nefariouses633 274-6873 (7)
Nefariously633 274-6875 (9)
Negativisms634 284-8476 (7)
Negativists634 284-8478 (7)
Negligences634 544-3623 (7)
Negligently634 544-3685 (9)
Negotiables634 684-2253 (7)
Negotiating634 684-2846 (4)
Negotiation634 684-2846 (6)
Negotiators634 684-2867 (7)
Negotiatory634 684-2867 (9)
Negotiatrix634 684-2874 (9)
Negrophobes634 767-4623 (7)
Negrophobia634 767-4624 (2)
Neighboring634 442-6746 (4)
Neighboured634 442-6873 (3)
Neighbourly634 442-6875 (9)
Nematicidal636 284-2432 (5)
Nematicides636 284-2433 (7)
Nematocidal636 286-2432 (5)
Nematocides636 286-2433 (7)
Nematocysts636 286-2978 (7)
Neocolonial636 265-6642 (5)
Neocortexes636 267-8393 (7)
Neocortical636 267-8422 (5)
Neocortices636 267-8423 (7)
Neolentinus636 536-8468 (7)
Neoliberals636 542-3725 (7)
Neologistic636 564-4784 (2)
Neonatology636 628-6564 (9)
Neoorthodox636 678-4636 (9)
Neophiliacs636 744-5422 (7)
Neorealisms636 732-5476 (7)
Neorealists636 732-5478 (7)
Neostigmine636 784-4646 (3)
Nephelinite637 435-4648 (3)
Nephophobia637 467-4624 (2)
Nephoscopes637 467-2673 (7)
Nephrectomy637 473-2866 (9)
Nephritical637 474-8422 (5)
Nephritides637 474-8433 (7)
Nephrolepis637 476-5374 (7)
Nephropathy637 476-7284 (9)
Nephrostome637 476-7866 (3)
Nephrotoxic637 476-8694 (2)
Nerdishness637 347-4637 (7)
Nervelessly637 835-3775 (9)
Nervinesses637 846-3773 (7)
Nervosities637 867-4843 (7)
Nervousness637 868-7637 (7)
Netherlands638 437-5263 (7)
Netherworld638 437-9675 (3)
Networkings638 967-5464 (7)
Networklike638 967-5545 (3)
Neurilemmal638 745-3662 (5)
Neurilemmas638 745-3662 (7)
Neurilemoma638 745-3666 (2)
Neuroactive638 762-2848 (3)
Neuroblasts638 762-5278 (7)
Neurofibril638 763-4274 (5)
Neurohumors638 764-8667 (7)
Neuroleptic638 765-3784 (2)
Neurologies638 765-6443 (7)
Neurologist638 765-6447 (8)
Neuromatous638 766-2868 (7)
Neuropathic638 767-2844 (2)
Neuropteran638 767-8372 (6)
Neuropteron638 767-8376 (6)
Neurosporas638 767-7672 (7)
Neuroticism638 768-4247 (6)
Neurotoxins638 768-6946 (7)
Neurotropic638 768-7674 (2)
Neurulation638 785-2846 (6)
Neutralised638 872-5473 (3)
Neutralises638 872-5473 (7)
Neutralisms638 872-5476 (7)
Neutralists638 872-5478 (7)
Neutralized638 872-5493 (3)
Neutralizer638 872-5493 (7)
Neutralizes638 872-5493 (7)
Neutralness638 872-5637 (7)
Neutropenia638 876-7364 (2)
Neutrophile638 876-7445 (3)
Neutrophils638 876-7445 (7)
Never-ending638 373-6346 (4)
New York City639 967-5248 (9)
Newport News639 767-8639 (7)
Newscasters639 722-7837 (7)
Newsdealers639 733-2537 (7)
Newsinesses639 746-3773 (7)
Newsletters639 753-8837 (7)
Newsmongers639 766-6437 (7)
Newspapered639 772-7373 (3)
Newspersons639 773-7766 (7)
Newsreaders639 773-2337 (7)
Newsvendors639 783-6367 (7)
Newswriting639 797-4846 (4)