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There are 21 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "LY"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Lycanthrope592 268-4767 (3)
Lycanthropy592 268-4767 (9)
Lycopodiate592 676-3428 (3)
Lycopodiums592 676-3486 (7)
Lymphoblast596 746-2527 (8)
Lymphocytes596 746-2983 (7)
Lymphocytic596 746-2984 (2)
Lymphograms596 746-4726 (7)
Lymphokines596 746-5463 (7)
Lymphopenia596 746-7364 (2)
Lyophilised596 744-5473 (3)
Lyophilises596 744-5473 (7)
Lyophilized596 744-5493 (3)
Lyophilizer596 744-5493 (7)
Lyophilizes596 744-5493 (7)
Lyricalness597 422-5637 (7)
Lysogenised597 643-6473 (3)
Lysogenises597 643-6473 (7)
Lysogenized597 643-6493 (3)
Lysogenizes597 643-6493 (7)
Lyssophobia597 767-4624 (2)