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There are 12 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "KER"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Keratinized537 284-6493 (3)
Keratinizes537 284-6493 (7)
Keratitides537 284-8433 (7)
Keratoconus537 286-2668 (7)
Keratoderma537 286-3376 (2)
Keratonosis537 286-6674 (7)
Keratonosus537 286-6678 (7)
Keratoscope537 286-7267 (3)
Keratoscopy537 286-7267 (9)
Kernicterus537 642-8378 (7)
Kerplunking537 758-6546 (4)
Kerseymeres537 739-6373 (7)