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There are 98 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "K"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Kachaturian522 428-8742 (6)
Kainophobia524 667-4624 (2)
Kalashnikov525 274-6456 (8)
Kallikreins525 545-7346 (7)
Karyogamies527 964-2643 (7)
Karyologies527 965-6443 (7)
Karyolymphs527 965-9674 (7)
Karyotyping527 968-9746 (4)
Katharevusa528 427-3887 (2)
Keelhauling533 542-8546 (4)
Kenogenesis536 643-6374 (7)
Keratinized537 284-6493 (3)
Keratinizes537 284-6493 (7)
Keratitides537 284-8433 (7)
Keratoconus537 286-2668 (7)
Keratoderma537 286-3376 (2)
Keratonosis537 286-6674 (7)
Keratonosus537 286-6678 (7)
Keratoscope537 286-7267 (3)
Keratoscopy537 286-7267 (9)
Kernicterus537 642-8378 (7)
Kerplunking537 758-6546 (4)
Kerseymeres537 739-6373 (7)
Ketogeneses538 643-6373 (7)
Ketogenesis538 643-6374 (7)
Ketosteroid538 678-3764 (3)
Kettledrums538 853-3786 (7)
Keyboarders539 262-7337 (7)
Keyboarding539 262-7346 (4)
Keyboardist539 262-7347 (8)
Keypunchers539 786-2437 (7)
Keypunching539 786-2446 (4)
Keystroking539 787-6546 (4)
Kibbutzniks542 288-9645 (7)
Kickboxings542 526-9464 (7)
Kickshawses542 574-2973 (7)
Kierkegaard543 753-4227 (3)
Kieselguhrs543 735-4847 (7)
Kilimanjaro545 462-6527 (6)
Killifishes545 543-4743 (7)
Kilocalorie545 622-5674 (3)
Kilogausses545 642-8773 (7)
Kiloparsecs545 672-7732 (7)
Kilopascals545 672-7225 (7)
Kimberlites546 237-5483 (7)
Kindhearted546 343-2783 (3)
Kinematical546 362-8422 (5)
Kinescoping546 372-6746 (4)
Kinesiology546 374-6564 (9)
Kinestheses546 378-4373 (7)
Kinesthesia546 378-4374 (2)
Kinesthesis546 378-4374 (7)
Kinesthetic546 378-4384 (2)
Kinetically546 384-2255 (9)
Kineticists546 384-2478 (7)
Kinetochore546 386-2467 (3)
Kinetoplast546 386-7527 (8)
Kinetoscope546 386-7267 (3)
Kinetosomes546 386-7663 (7)
Kingfishers546 434-7437 (7)
Kinkinesses546 546-3773 (7)
Kinosternon546 678-3766 (6)
Kinsmanship546 762-6744 (7)
Kinspersons546 773-7766 (7)
Kinyarwanda546 927-9263 (2)
Kirghizstan547 444-9782 (6)
Kitchenette548 243-6388 (3)
Kitchenware548 243-6927 (3)
Kittenishly548 836-4745 (9)
Klebsiellas553 274-3552 (7)
Kleptomania553 786-6264 (2)
Klinefelter554 633-3583 (7)
Knackwursts562 259-8778 (7)
Knavishness562 847-4637 (7)
Kneecapping563 322-7746 (4)
Knickknacks564 255-6225 (7)
Knifepoints564 337-6468 (7)
Knighthoods564 448-4663 (7)
Knobkerries566 253-7743 (7)
Knockabouts566 252-2688 (7)
Knockwursts566 259-8778 (7)
Knotgrasses566 847-2773 (7)
Knowingness566 946-4637 (7)
Knuckleball568 255-3225 (5)
Knucklebone568 255-3266 (3)
Knucklehead568 255-3432 (3)
Kolkhozniki565 546-9645 (4)
Kolkhozniks565 546-9645 (7)
Kolpophobia565 767-4624 (2)
Komondorock566 663-6762 (5)
Koniophobia566 467-4624 (2)
Kookaburras566 522-8772 (7)
Kookinesses566 546-3773 (7)
Kordofanian567 363-2642 (6)
Kosteletzya567 835-3899 (2)
Kwashiorkor592 744-6756 (7)
Kymographic596 647-2744 (2)
Kyphophobia597 467-4624 (2)