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There are 17 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "IT"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Italianated482 542-6283 (3)
Italianates482 542-6283 (7)
Italianised482 542-6473 (3)
Italianises482 542-6473 (7)
Italianized482 542-6493 (3)
Italianizes482 542-6493 (7)
Italicising482 542-4746 (4)
Italicizing482 542-4946 (4)
Itchinesses482 446-3773 (7)
Itemisation483 647-2846 (6)
Itemization483 649-2846 (6)
Iteratively483 728-4835 (9)
Ithyphallic484 974-2554 (2)
Itinerantly484 637-2685 (9)
Itineraries484 637-2743 (7)
Itinerating484 637-2846 (4)
Itineration484 637-2846 (6)