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There are 23 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "FLU"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Fluctuating358 288-2846 (4)
Fluctuation358 288-2846 (6)
Fluegelhorn358 343-5467 (6)
Flugelhorns358 435-4676 (7)
Fluidnesses358 436-3773 (7)
Fluidounces358 436-8623 (7)
Fluorescein358 673-7234 (6)
Fluorescent358 673-7236 (8)
Fluorescers358 673-7237 (7)
Fluorescing358 673-7246 (4)
Fluoridated358 674-3283 (3)
Fluoridates358 674-3283 (7)
Fluorimeter358 674-6383 (7)
Fluorimetry358 674-6387 (9)
Fluorinated358 674-6283 (3)
Fluorinates358 674-6283 (7)
Fluorometer358 676-6383 (7)
Fluorometry358 676-6387 (9)
Fluoroscope358 676-7267 (3)
Fluoroscopy358 676-7267 (9)
Flushnesses358 746-3773 (7)
Flusteredly358 783-7335 (9)
Fluvastatin358 827-8284 (6)