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There are 62 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "FE"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Fearfullest332 738-5537 (8)
Fearfulness332 738-5637 (7)
Feasibility332 742-4548 (9)
Featherbeds332 843-7233 (7)
Featheredge332 843-7334 (3)
Featherfoil332 843-7364 (5)
Featherhead332 843-7432 (3)
Featheriest332 843-7437 (8)
Featherings332 843-7464 (7)
Featherless332 843-7537 (7)
Featherlike332 843-7545 (3)
Featureless332 887-3537 (7)
Featurettes332 887-3883 (7)
Febriphobia332 747-4624 (2)
Fecundating332 863-2846 (4)
Fecundation332 863-2846 (6)
Fecundities332 863-4843 (7)
Federaleses333 372-5373 (7)
Federalisms333 372-5476 (7)
Federalists333 372-5478 (7)
Federalized333 372-5493 (3)
Federalizes333 372-5493 (7)
Federations333 372-8466 (7)
Feelingness333 546-4637 (7)
Feldspathic335 377-2844 (2)
Felicitated335 424-8283 (3)
Felicitates335 424-8283 (7)
Felicitator335 424-8286 (7)
Fellmongers335 566-6437 (7)
Fellmongery335 566-6437 (9)
Fellowships335 569-7447 (7)
Feloniously335 664-6875 (9)
Femtosecond336 867-3266 (3)
Fenestrated336 378-7283 (3)
Fergusonite337 487-6648 (3)
Fermentable337 636-8225 (3)
Ferociously337 624-6875 (9)
Ferredoxins337 733-6946 (7)
Ferriferous337 743-3768 (7)
Ferrimagnet337 746-2463 (8)
Ferrocerium337 762-3748 (6)
Ferromagnet337 766-2463 (8)
Ferruginous337 784-4668 (7)
Fertileness337 845-3637 (7)
Fertilities337 845-4843 (7)
Fertilizers337 845-4937 (7)
Fertilizing337 845-4946 (4)
Festinately337 846-2835 (9)
Festinating337 846-2846 (4)
Festination337 846-2846 (6)
Festiveness337 848-3637 (7)
Festivities337 848-4843 (7)
Fetidnesses338 436-3773 (7)
Fetishistic338 474-4784 (2)
Fetologists338 656-4478 (7)
Fetoprotein338 677-6834 (6)
Fetoscopies338 672-6743 (7)
Feudalistic338 325-4784 (2)
Feudalities338 325-4843 (7)
Feudalizing338 325-4946 (4)
Feudatories338 328-6743 (7)
Feuilletons338 455-3866 (7)