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There are 61 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "EXP"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Expansional397 267-4662 (5)
Expansively397 267-4835 (9)
Expansivity397 267-4848 (9)
Expatiating397 284-2846 (4)
Expatiation397 284-2846 (6)
Expatriated397 287-4283 (3)
Expatriates397 287-4283 (7)
Expectances397 328-2623 (7)
Expectantly397 328-2685 (9)
Expectation397 328-2846 (6)
Expectative397 328-2848 (3)
Expectingly397 328-4645 (9)
Expectorant397 328-6726 (8)
Expectorate397 328-6728 (3)
Expediences397 334-3623 (7)
Expediently397 334-3685 (9)
Expeditions397 334-8466 (7)
Expeditious397 334-8468 (7)
Expendables397 363-2253 (7)
Expenditure397 363-4887 (3)
Expenseless397 367-3537 (7)
Expensively397 367-4835 (9)
Experienced397 374-3623 (3)
Experiencer397 374-3623 (7)
Experiences397 374-3623 (7)
Experiments397 374-6368 (7)
Expertizing397 378-4946 (4)
Expirations397 472-8466 (7)
Explainable397 524-6225 (3)
Explanation397 526-2846 (6)
Explanative397 526-2848 (3)
Explanatory397 526-2867 (9)
Expletively397 538-4835 (9)
Explicating397 542-2846 (4)
Explication397 542-2846 (6)
Explicative397 542-2848 (3)
Explicators397 542-2867 (7)
Explicatory397 542-2867 (9)
Exploitable397 564-8225 (3)
Exploration397 567-2846 (6)
Explorative397 567-2848 (3)
Exploratory397 567-2867 (9)
Explorement397 567-3636 (8)
Explosively397 567-4835 (9)
Exponential397 663-6842 (5)
Exportation397 678-2846 (6)
Exposedness397 673-3637 (7)
Expositions397 674-8466 (7)
Expostulate397 678-8528 (3)
Expressages397 737-7243 (7)
Expressible397 737-7425 (3)
Expressibly397 737-7425 (9)
Expressions397 737-7466 (7)
Expressness397 737-7637 (7)
Expressways397 737-7929 (7)
Expropriate397 767-7428 (3)
Expunctions397 862-8466 (7)
Expurgating397 874-2846 (4)
Expurgation397 874-2846 (6)
Expurgators397 874-2867 (7)
Expurgatory397 874-2867 (9)