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There are 212 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "EX"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Exacerbated392 237-2283 (3)
Exacerbates392 237-2283 (7)
Exactitudes392 284-8833 (7)
Exactnesses392 286-3773 (7)
Exaeretodon392 373-8636 (6)
Exaggerated392 443-7283 (3)
Exaggerates392 443-7283 (7)
Exaggerator392 443-7286 (7)
Exaltations392 582-8466 (7)
Examination392 646-2846 (6)
Exampleless392 675-3537 (7)
Exanimation392 646-2846 (6)
Exanthemata392 684-3628 (2)
Exasperated392 773-7283 (3)
Exasperater392 773-7283 (7)
Exasperates392 773-7283 (7)
Exboyfriend392 693-7436 (3)
Excavations392 282-8466 (7)
Exceedingly392 333-4645 (9)
Excellences392 355-3623 (7)
Excellently392 355-3685 (9)
Exceptional392 378-4662 (5)
Exceptioner392 378-4663 (7)
Excerptions392 377-8466 (7)
Excessively392 377-4835 (9)
Excitations392 482-8466 (7)
Excitements392 483-6368 (7)
Exclamation392 526-2846 (6)
Exclamative392 526-2848 (3)
Exclamatory392 526-2867 (9)
Exclusively392 587-4835 (9)
Exclusivism392 587-4847 (6)
Exclusivist392 587-4847 (8)
Exclusivity392 587-4848 (9)
Excogitated392 644-8283 (3)
Excogitates392 644-8283 (7)
Excogitator392 644-8286 (7)
Excoriating392 674-2846 (4)
Excoriation392 674-2846 (6)
Excremental392 736-3682 (5)
Excrescence392 737-2362 (3)
Excrescency392 737-2362 (9)
Excruciated392 782-4283 (3)
Excruciates392 782-4283 (7)
Exculpating392 857-2846 (4)
Exculpation392 857-2846 (6)
Exculpatory392 857-2867 (9)
Excursively392 877-4835 (9)
Execrations393 272-8466 (7)
Executables393 288-2253 (7)
Executioner393 288-4663 (7)
Executively393 288-4835 (9)
Executorial393 288-6742 (5)
Executrices393 288-7423 (7)
Executrixes393 288-7493 (7)
Exemplarily393 675-2745 (9)
Exemplarity393 675-2748 (9)
Exemplified393 675-4343 (3)
Exemplifies393 675-4343 (7)
Exenterated393 683-7283 (3)
Exenterates393 683-7283 (7)
Exercisable393 724-7225 (3)
Exercisible393 724-7425 (3)
Exfoliating393 654-2846 (4)
Exfoliation393 654-2846 (6)
Exfoliative393 654-2848 (3)
Exhalations394 252-8466 (7)
Exhaustible394 287-8425 (3)
Exhaustions394 287-8466 (7)
Exhaustless394 287-8537 (7)
Exhaustment394 287-8636 (8)
Exhibitions394 424-8466 (7)
Exhilarated394 452-7283 (3)
Exhilarates394 452-7283 (7)
Exhortation394 678-2846 (6)
Exhortative394 678-2848 (3)
Exhortatory394 678-2867 (9)
Exhumations394 862-8466 (7)
Existential394 783-6842 (5)
Exocoetidae396 263-8432 (3)
Exocycloida396 292-5643 (2)
Exodermises396 337-6473 (7)
Exodontists396 366-8478 (7)
Exogenously396 436-6875 (9)
Exonerating396 637-2846 (4)
Exoneration396 637-2846 (6)
Exonerative396 637-2848 (3)
Exonuclease396 682-5327 (3)
Exorbitance396 724-8262 (3)
Exorbitancy396 724-8262 (9)
Exoskeletal396 753-5382 (5)
Exoskeleton396 753-5386 (6)
Expansional397 267-4662 (5)
Expansively397 267-4835 (9)
Expansivity397 267-4848 (9)
Expatiating397 284-2846 (4)
Expatiation397 284-2846 (6)
Expatriated397 287-4283 (3)
Expatriates397 287-4283 (7)
Expectances397 328-2623 (7)
Expectantly397 328-2685 (9)
Expectation397 328-2846 (6)
Expectative397 328-2848 (3)
Expectingly397 328-4645 (9)
Expectorant397 328-6726 (8)
Expectorate397 328-6728 (3)
Expediences397 334-3623 (7)
Expediently397 334-3685 (9)
Expeditions397 334-8466 (7)
Expeditious397 334-8468 (7)
Expendables397 363-2253 (7)
Expenditure397 363-4887 (3)
Expenseless397 367-3537 (7)
Expensively397 367-4835 (9)
Experienced397 374-3623 (3)
Experiencer397 374-3623 (7)
Experiences397 374-3623 (7)
Experiments397 374-6368 (7)
Expertizing397 378-4946 (4)
Expirations397 472-8466 (7)
Explainable397 524-6225 (3)
Explanation397 526-2846 (6)
Explanative397 526-2848 (3)
Explanatory397 526-2867 (9)
Expletively397 538-4835 (9)
Explicating397 542-2846 (4)
Explication397 542-2846 (6)
Explicative397 542-2848 (3)
Explicators397 542-2867 (7)
Explicatory397 542-2867 (9)
Exploitable397 564-8225 (3)
Exploration397 567-2846 (6)
Explorative397 567-2848 (3)
Exploratory397 567-2867 (9)
Explorement397 567-3636 (8)
Explosively397 567-4835 (9)
Exponential397 663-6842 (5)
Exportation397 678-2846 (6)
Exposedness397 673-3637 (7)
Expositions397 674-8466 (7)
Expostulate397 678-8528 (3)
Expressages397 737-7243 (7)
Expressible397 737-7425 (3)
Expressibly397 737-7425 (9)
Expressions397 737-7466 (7)
Expressness397 737-7637 (7)
Expressways397 737-7929 (7)
Expropriate397 767-7428 (3)
Expunctions397 862-8466 (7)
Expurgating397 874-2846 (4)
Expurgation397 874-2846 (6)
Expurgators397 874-2867 (7)
Expurgatory397 874-2867 (9)
Exquisitely397 847-4835 (9)
Exquisitive397 847-4848 (3)
Exsiccating397 422-2846 (4)
Exsiccation397 422-2846 (6)
Exsolutions397 658-8466 (7)
Extemporary398 367-6727 (9)
Extemporise398 367-6747 (3)
Extemporize398 367-6749 (3)
Extensional398 367-4662 (5)
Extensities398 367-4843 (7)
Extensively398 367-4835 (9)
Extenuating398 368-2846 (4)
Extenuation398 368-2846 (6)
Extenuators398 368-2867 (7)
Extenuatory398 368-2867 (9)
Exteriorise398 374-6747 (3)
Exteriority398 374-6748 (9)
Exteriorize398 374-6749 (3)
Exterminate398 376-4628 (3)
Extermining398 376-4646 (4)
Externalise398 376-2547 (3)
Externalism398 376-2547 (6)
Externality398 376-2548 (9)
Externalize398 376-2549 (3)
Externships398 376-7447 (7)
Extinctions398 462-8466 (7)
Extirpating398 477-2846 (4)
Extirpation398 477-2846 (6)
Extirpative398 477-2848 (3)
Extirpators398 477-2867 (7)
Extirpatory398 477-2867 (9)
Extortioner398 678-4663 (7)
Extracampus398 722-2678 (7)
Extractable398 722-8225 (3)
Extractible398 722-8425 (3)
Extractions398 722-8466 (7)
Extractives398 722-8483 (7)
Extraditing398 723-4846 (4)
Extradition398 723-4846 (6)
Extralities398 725-4843 (7)
Extrapolate398 727-6528 (3)
Extravagant398 728-2426 (8)
Extravagate398 728-2428 (3)
Extravasate398 728-2728 (3)
Extraverted398 728-3783 (3)
Extremeless398 736-3537 (7)
Extremeness398 736-3637 (7)
Extremities398 736-4843 (7)
Extricating398 742-2846 (4)
Extrication398 742-2846 (6)
Extrinsical398 746-7422 (5)
Extroverted398 768-3783 (3)
Exuberances398 237-2623 (7)
Exuberantly398 237-2685 (9)
Exuberating398 237-2846 (4)
Exultancies398 582-6243 (7)
Exultations398 582-8466 (7)
Exurbanites398 722-6483 (7)
Exuviations398 842-8466 (7)