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There are 22 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "CRE"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Creaseproof273 273-7766 (3)
Creatinines273 284-6463 (7)
Creationism273 284-6647 (6)
Creationist273 284-6647 (8)
Creatorship273 286-7744 (7)
Credentials273 336-8425 (7)
Credibility273 342-4548 (9)
Credulities273 385-4843 (7)
Credulously273 385-6875 (9)
Crematories273 628-6743 (7)
Crematorium273 628-6748 (6)
Crenelation273 635-2846 (6)
Crenellated273 635-5283 (3)
Crenulation273 685-2846 (6)
Crepitating273 748-2846 (4)
Crepitation273 748-2846 (6)
Crepuscular273 787-2852 (7)
Crepuscules273 787-2853 (7)
Crescendoed273 723-6363 (3)
Crescendoes273 723-6363 (7)
Crestfallen273 783-2553 (6)
Crewelworks273 935-9675 (7)