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There are 52 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "CAT"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Catabolisms228 226-5476 (7)
Catabolites228 226-5483 (7)
Catabolized228 226-5493 (3)
Catabolizes228 226-5493 (7)
Catachreses228 224-7373 (7)
Catachresis228 224-7374 (7)
Cataclysmal228 225-9762 (5)
Cataclysmic228 225-9764 (2)
Catacylsmic228 229-5764 (2)
Catadromous228 237-6668 (7)
Catafalques228 232-5783 (7)
Catalectics228 253-2842 (7)
Catalepsies228 253-7743 (7)
Cataleptics228 253-7842 (7)
Cataloguers228 256-4837 (7)
Cataloguing228 256-4846 (4)
Cataplastic228 275-2784 (2)
Cataplexies228 275-3943 (7)
Catapultian228 278-5842 (6)
Catapulting228 278-5846 (4)
Cataractous228 272-2868 (7)
Catarrhally228 277-4255 (9)
Catarrhines228 277-4463 (7)
Catastrophe228 278-7674 (3)
Catchphrase228 247-4727 (3)
Catechetics228 324-3842 (7)
Catechismal228 324-4762 (5)
Catechistic228 324-4784 (2)
Catechizers228 324-4937 (7)
Catechizing228 324-4946 (4)
Catechumens228 324-8636 (7)
Categorical228 346-7422 (5)
Categorised228 346-7473 (3)
Categorises228 346-7473 (7)
Categorized228 346-7493 (3)
Categorizes228 346-7493 (7)
Catenations228 362-8466 (7)
Catercorner228 372-6763 (7)
Caterpillar228 377-4552 (7)
Caterwauled228 379-2853 (3)
Cathartidae228 427-8432 (3)
Cathedralic228 433-7254 (2)
Catheterise228 438-3747 (3)
Catheterize228 438-3749 (3)
Catholicate228 465-4228 (3)
Catholicise228 465-4247 (3)
Catholicism228 465-4247 (6)
Catholicity228 465-4248 (9)
Catholicize228 465-4249 (3)
Catholicons228 465-4266 (7)
Catoptrical228 678-7422 (5)
Cattinesses228 846-3773 (7)