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There are 121 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "BR"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Brabblement272 225-3636 (8)
Brachiating272 244-2846 (4)
Brachiation272 244-2846 (6)
Brachiators272 244-2867 (7)
Brachiopoda272 244-6763 (2)
Brachiopods272 244-6763 (7)
Brachyurous272 249-8768 (7)
Bracteolate272 283-6528 (3)
Bradycardia272 392-2734 (2)
Bradykinins272 395-4646 (7)
Braggadocio272 442-3624 (6)
Brahmaputra272 462-7887 (2)
Brahminical272 464-6422 (5)
Brainlessly272 465-3775 (9)
Brainpowers272 467-6937 (7)
Brainsickly272 467-4255 (9)
Brainstorms272 467-8676 (7)
Brainteaser272 468-3273 (7)
Brainwashed272 469-2743 (3)
Brainwasher272 469-2743 (7)
Brainwashes272 469-2743 (7)
Brainworker272 469-6753 (7)
Branchiopod272 624-4676 (3)
Branchlines272 624-5463 (7)
Brandenburg272 633-6287 (4)
Brandishing272 634-7446 (4)
Brashnesses272 746-3773 (7)
Brattleboro272 885-3267 (6)
Brazilwoods272 945-9663 (7)
Brazzaville272 992-8455 (3)
Breadbasket273 232-2753 (8)
Breadboards273 232-6273 (7)
Breadcrumbs273 232-7862 (7)
Breadfruits273 233-7848 (7)
Breadsticks273 237-8425 (7)
Breadstuffs273 237-8833 (7)
Breadthless273 238-4537 (7)
Breadthways273 238-4929 (7)
Breadthwise273 238-4947 (3)
Breadwinner273 239-4663 (7)
Breakfasted273 253-2783 (3)
Breakfaster273 253-2783 (7)
Breakfronts273 253-7668 (7)
Breakpoints273 257-6468 (7)
Breakwaters273 259-2837 (7)
Breastbones273 278-2663 (7)
Breastplate273 278-7528 (3)
Breastworks273 278-9675 (7)
Breathalyse273 284-2597 (3)
Breathalyze273 284-2599 (3)
Breathiness273 284-4637 (7)
Brecciating273 224-2846 (4)
Brecciation273 224-2846 (6)
Breechblock273 324-2562 (5)
Breechcloth273 324-2568 (4)
Breechclout273 324-2568 (8)
Brickfields274 253-4353 (7)
Bricklayers274 255-2937 (7)
Bricklaying274 255-2946 (4)
Brickleness274 255-3637 (7)
Bridegrooms274 334-7666 (7)
Bridesmaids274 337-6243 (7)
Bridgeables274 343-2253 (7)
Bridgeheads274 343-4323 (7)
Bridgeworks274 343-9675 (7)
Briefnesses274 336-3773 (7)
Brigandages274 426-3243 (7)
Brigandines274 426-3463 (7)
Brigantines274 426-8463 (7)
Brighteners274 448-3637 (7)
Brightening274 448-3646 (4)
Brightworks274 448-9675 (7)
Brilliances274 554-2623 (7)
Brilliantly274 554-2685 (9)
Brininesses274 646-3773 (7)
Brinishness274 647-4637 (7)
Briquetting274 783-8846 (4)
Brisknesses274 756-3773 (7)
Bristlelike274 785-3545 (3)
Bristletail274 785-3824 (5)
Britishness274 847-4637 (7)
Brittlebush274 885-3287 (4)
Brittleness274 885-3637 (7)
Brittlestar274 885-3782 (7)
Broadcasted276 232-2783 (3)
Broadcaster276 232-2783 (7)
Broadcloths276 232-5684 (7)
Broadnesses276 236-3773 (7)
Broadsheets276 237-4338 (7)
Broadsiding276 237-4346 (4)
Broadswords276 237-9673 (7)
Brocatelles276 228-3553 (7)
Brominating276 646-2846 (4)
Bromination276 646-2846 (6)
Bromophenol276 667-4366 (5)
Bromouracil276 668-7224 (5)
Bronchially276 624-4255 (9)
Bronchiolar276 624-4652 (7)
Bronchioles276 624-4653 (7)
Brontosaurs276 686-7287 (7)
Broomballer276 662-2553 (7)
Broomsticks276 667-8425 (7)
Brotherhood276 843-7466 (3)
Brotherlike276 843-7545 (3)
Browbeating276 923-2846 (4)
Brownnosers276 966-6737 (7)
Brownnosing276 966-6746 (4)
Brownshirts276 967-4478 (7)
Brownstones276 967-8663 (7)
Brownsville276 967-8455 (3)
Brucelloses278 235-5673 (7)
Brucellosis278 235-5674 (7)
Brusqueness278 778-3637 (7)
Brusqueries278 778-3743 (7)
Brutalising278 825-4746 (4)
Brutalities278 825-4843 (7)
Brutalizing278 825-4946 (4)
Brutishness278 847-4637 (7)
Bryological279 656-4422 (5)
Bryologists279 656-4478 (7)
Bryophyllum279 674-9558 (6)