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There are 104 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "AP"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Apartmental272 786-3682 (5)
Apartnesses272 786-3773 (7)
Apathetical272 843-8422 (5)
Apatosaurus272 867-2878 (7)
Aphetically274 384-2255 (9)
Aphrodisiac274 763-4742 (2)
Apicultural274 285-8872 (5)
Apicultures274 285-8873 (7)
Apishnesses274 746-3773 (7)
Aplacophora275 226-7467 (2)
Apocalypses276 225-9773 (7)
Apocalyptic276 225-9784 (2)
Apocopation276 267-2846 (6)
Apocynaceae276 296-2232 (3)
Apodictical276 342-8422 (5)
Apodiformes276 343-6763 (7)
Apollinaire276 554-6247 (3)
Apologetics276 564-3842 (7)
Apologising276 564-4746 (4)
Apologizers276 564-4937 (7)
Apologizing276 564-4946 (4)
Apomictical276 642-8422 (5)
Apomorphine276 667-7446 (3)
Aponeuroses276 638-7673 (7)
Aponeurosis276 638-7674 (7)
Aponeurotic276 638-7684 (2)
Apophthegms276 748-4346 (7)
Apophyllite276 749-5548 (3)
Apoplectoid276 753-2864 (3)
Aporocactus276 762-2288 (7)
Aposiopeses276 746-7373 (7)
Aposiopesis276 746-7374 (7)
Aposiopetic276 746-7384 (2)
Apostatical276 782-8422 (5)
Apostatised276 782-8473 (3)
Apostatises276 782-8473 (7)
Apostatized276 782-8493 (3)
Apostatizes276 782-8493 (7)
Apostleship276 785-3744 (7)
Apostolates276 786-5283 (7)
Apostolical276 786-5422 (5)
Apostrophes276 787-6743 (7)
Apostrophic276 787-6744 (2)
Apotheosise276 843-6747 (3)
Apotheosize276 843-6749 (3)
Appalachian277 252-2442 (6)
Appallingly277 255-4645 (9)
Apparatchik277 272-8244 (5)
Apparatuses277 272-8873 (7)
Apparelling277 273-5546 (4)
Apparitions277 274-8466 (7)
Appealingly277 325-4645 (9)
Appearances277 327-2623 (7)
Appearingly277 327-4645 (9)
Appeasement277 327-3636 (8)
Appellation277 355-2846 (6)
Appellative277 355-2848 (3)
Appendicate277 363-4228 (3)
Apperceived277 372-3483 (3)
Apperceives277 372-3483 (7)
Appertained277 378-2463 (3)
Appetencies277 383-6243 (7)
Applaudable277 528-3225 (3)
Applaudably277 528-3225 (9)
Applausable277 528-7225 (3)
Applesauces277 537-2823 (7)
Application277 542-2846 (6)
Applicative277 542-2848 (3)
Applicators277 542-2867 (7)
Applicatory277 542-2867 (9)
Appliqueing277 547-8346 (4)
Appointable277 646-8225 (3)
Appointment277 646-8636 (8)
Apportioned277 678-4663 (3)
Apportioner277 678-4663 (7)
Appositions277 674-8466 (7)
Appositives277 674-8483 (7)
Appraisable277 724-7225 (3)
Appreciable277 732-4225 (3)
Appreciably277 732-4225 (9)
Appreciated277 732-4283 (3)
Appreciates277 732-4283 (7)
Appreciator277 732-4286 (7)
Apprehended277 734-3633 (3)
Apprehender277 734-3633 (7)
Apprenticed277 736-8423 (3)
Apprentices277 736-8423 (7)
Appressoria277 737-7674 (2)
Apprizement277 749-3636 (8)
Approaching277 762-2446 (4)
Approbating277 762-2846 (4)
Approbation277 762-2846 (6)
Approbative277 762-2848 (3)
Approbatory277 762-2867 (9)
Appropriate277 767-7428 (3)
Approvement277 768-3636 (8)
Approvingly277 768-4645 (9)
Approximate277 769-4628 (3)
Appulsively277 857-4835 (9)
Appurtenant277 878-3626 (8)
Apriorities277 467-4843 (7)
Aptenodytes278 366-3983 (7)
Apterygidae278 379-4432 (3)
Aptitudinal278 488-3462 (5)