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There are 13 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "ANTIS"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Antiscience268 472-4362 (3)
Antisecrecy268 473-2732 (9)
Antiseizure268 473-4987 (3)
Antiseptics268 473-7842 (7)
Antisexists268 473-9478 (7)
Antislavery268 475-2837 (9)
Antismokers268 476-6537 (7)
Antismoking268 476-6546 (4)
Antistories268 478-6743 (7)
Antistrophe268 478-7674 (3)
Antistudent268 478-8336 (8)
Antisubsidy268 478-2743 (9)
Antisuicide268 478-4243 (3)