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There are 15 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "ACR"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Acridnesses227 436-3773 (7)
Acriflavine227 435-2846 (3)
Acrimonious227 466-6468 (7)
Acrocarpous227 622-7768 (7)
Acrocentric227 623-6874 (2)
Acrocephaly227 623-7425 (9)
Acroclinium227 625-4648 (6)
Acromegalia227 663-4254 (2)
Acromegalic227 663-4254 (2)
Acromphalus227 667-4258 (7)
Acropetally227 673-8255 (9)
Acrophobias227 674-6242 (7)
Acropolises227 676-5473 (7)
Acrostichum227 678-4248 (6)
Acrylamides227 952-6433 (7)