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There are 71 Eleven-Letter Words That Start With "AB"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Abandonedly222 636-6335 (9)
Abandonment222 636-6636 (8)
Abbreviated222 738-4283 (3)
Abbreviates222 738-4283 (7)
Abbreviator222 738-4286 (7)
Abdications223 422-8466 (7)
Abdominales223 664-6253 (7)
Abdominally223 664-6255 (9)
Abecedarian223 233-2742 (6)
Abecedarius223 233-2748 (7)
Abelmoschus223 566-7248 (7)
Aberrancies223 772-6243 (7)
Aberrations223 772-8466 (7)
Abhorrences224 677-3623 (7)
Abhorrently224 677-3685 (9)
Abiogeneses224 643-6373 (7)
Abiogenesis224 643-6374 (7)
Abiogenetic224 643-6384 (2)
Abiogenists224 643-6478 (7)
Abiological224 656-4422 (5)
Abiotically224 684-2255 (9)
Abjurations225 872-8466 (7)
Ablactation225 228-2846 (6)
Ablutionary225 884-6627 (9)
Abnegations226 342-8466 (7)
Abnormality226 676-2548 (9)
Abnormities226 676-4843 (7)
Abocclusion226 225-8746 (6)
Abolishable226 547-4225 (3)
Abolishment226 547-4636 (8)
Abominating226 646-2846 (4)
Abomination226 646-2846 (6)
Abominators226 646-2867 (7)
Aboriginals226 744-4625 (7)
Abortionist226 784-6647 (8)
Aboveground226 834-7686 (3)
Abracadabra227 222-3227 (2)
Abranchiate227 262-4428 (3)
Abranchious227 262-4468 (7)
Abreactions227 322-8466 (7)
Abridgement227 434-3636 (8)
Abridgments227 434-6368 (7)
Abrogations227 642-8466 (7)
Abscissions227 247-7466 (7)
Abscondence227 266-3362 (3)
Abscondment227 266-3636 (8)
Absentation227 368-2846 (6)
Absenteeism227 368-3347 (6)
Absolutions227 658-8466 (7)
Absolutisms227 658-8476 (7)
Absolutists227 658-8478 (7)
Absolutized227 658-8493 (3)
Absolutizes227 658-8493 (7)
Absolvitory227 658-4867 (9)
Absorbances227 672-2623 (7)
Absorbingly227 672-4645 (9)
Absorptance227 677-8262 (3)
Absorptions227 677-8466 (7)
Abstentions227 836-8466 (7)
Abstentious227 836-8468 (7)
Abstinences227 846-3623 (7)
Abstinently227 846-3685 (9)
Abstracters227 872-2837 (7)
Abstractest227 872-2837 (8)
Abstracting227 872-2846 (4)
Abstraction227 872-2846 (6)
Abstractive227 872-2848 (3)
Abstractors227 872-2867 (7)
Abstricting227 874-2846 (4)
Absurdities227 873-4843 (7)
Abusiveness228 748-3637 (7)